Advocacy & Policy in Education

List of Service Providers:


Inclusion Psychologists Ltd

Mobile: 07956 965266 - Dr Shungu



Personal Instagram: @dr_shungu_m

Business Instagram: @inclusion_psychologists


We strongly believe that now is the time for change.

Now is the time for us to be heard. Now is the time for us to work as a collective, to work together to create better educational outcomes and life chances for our children.


Please note that this is an online signposting platform. Whilst we have been led to believe that those who provide any service listed on the platform are well-intentioned, qualified and positioned to help our community, please note that the National Black Parents Association UK C.I.C ("NBPAUK") cannot and will not accept any responsibility or liability for any advice, diagnosis or intervention given by that individual and/or organisation cited as a "Service Provider" on this Platform. The person who makes contact with a Service Provider listed on this Platform to use their services for themselves or who makes contact on behalf of others, must carry out their own due diligence on the individual and/or organisation with whom they wish to engage/connect.

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